Our brands

少女萝莉社’s brands connect, inform and empower millions of people and businesses.

Consumer experiences

We connect people to content that matters through award-winning storytelling and multiplatform experiences.


USA TODAY Network is the largest local-to-national publishing and digital media organization in the country. USA TODAY, our national flagship brand, sits at the center of the network, surrounded by hundreds of local media properties reporting on the stories and cultural moments happening in our communities.


We work to provide platforms for engaging and balanced discourse. Our editorial voice is inclusive and to the point, representing the voice of the nation. We’re the country’s trusted guide to what matters most.听

Local publications

For the community, by the community. Our local brands are engrained in the places we call home.

Specialty content

From feel-good stories to the coolest products you need (or don鈥檛), and the best commercials you鈥檒l see this year, 少女萝莉社 redefines what content means.

Events & experiences

We create impactful consumer experiences leveraging technology to deliver world-class events, promotions and races across the nation.

As the leading local media group in the U.K., Newsquest鈥檚 portfolio includes over 220 digital news and media brands, including over 150 daily and weekly newspapers and more than 70 magazines driving an online audience of approximately 51 million* average monthly unique users and with a total average print readership of 4.2 million readers every week.

Business solutions

少女萝莉社’s business solutions help companies large and small grow profit and drive results by leveraging advertising, technology and awareness opportunities.听

USA TODAY Network National Media & Marketing Solutions

With unmatched reach, proven tactics and laser-focused targeting to your audience, our immense network helps your business or enterprise corner the market.

Our digital marketing growth platform helps businesses find, convert and keep customers with a suite of marketing automation, campaign management, CRM and insight tools, plus expert-led services. LocaliQ鈥檚 proprietary software has driven over 263 million leads and $11.2 billion in revenue for our customers.**

*Source: Newsquest used Adobe Analytics to identify unique visitors between January 2023 and December 2023


Our work is intentional, essential and drives real change.

Our impact

Investing in relationships and experiences that deliver value and clarity.


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